Welcome to the Hillcrest website! I am so thrilled to be a part of Hillcrest Baptist Church and that you decided to stop by and see what we’re about! As your pastor, I want to be sure to have clear communication with members and visitors. This page is dedicated to just that. Please check back often to hear from me or to get in touch with me. I look forward to hearing from you! Do check back often, as we will be adding new ways to worship, minister and motivate!
From Our Pastor
Office Availability
Tuesday – Friday
9:00 – 4:00
Please call the church office to set an appointment.
Ministry Leadership
Charlie began serving Hillcrest in March of 2020. He has served as a pastor in three previous congregations; his last pastorate in Louisville, KY was for 29 years. He is a graduate of Oakland City University with a BA in Biblical Studies and holds his Master’s from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary with a focus on Pastoral Ministry and Christian Education.
Charlie and his wife Mendy have been married for 38 years. They both grew up in Michigan and have continued to be life-long Michigan fans. They have 3 daughters; Abbey, Elizabeth and Emily, and one son, Andrew, with one grandson, William. When not pastoring, Charlie enjoys gathering with his family, spending time on the gulf, playing golf and watching the University of Michigan. Go blue!
Senior Pastor
Charlie Davis
Mission Trips
Most everyone knows we are steadily working to bolster our focus and efforts on advancing the gospel internationally to two places; first, in Portugal and second, in India (this order does not convey any priority).
In Portugal, we are working with a national partner named Fernando. Pastor Fernando and his family are working tirelessly to mobilize a handful of Christians and churches to begin praying and sharing their faith much more aggressively. He is also making efforts to plant some new churches in many needed places. There are opportunities for us to GO, PRAY, GIVE and SEND.
As you know, another group is beginning to be formed from Hillcrest to GO the end of this Summer (Aug. 30 th – Sept. 6 th ). Will you give some thought and prayer to your participation? How about you answering Christ’s command to GO?
We are also trying to develop some momentum by working more closely with Jonathan and his family as they serve in Southern India. Lord willing, I am planning on leading a small team of men (2 to 3) to go with me to see the work, to become more aware of the need, and to seek God’s leadership on HOW we can support Jonathan in advancing the gospel among the Tamil people group. Will you pray with me for God to lead a few other men to GO and see the work first-hand?
Also, remember, our annual mission emphasis each November and the Mission Offering is used to help mobilize us for SENDING and GOING.
Last Sunday morning, during the closing VBS program it was a joy to watch so many children singing and reciting verses they had learned during the week. I couldn’t help but think of the amazing stewardship God has placed upon us with so many children’s lives. From the moment these children come into the life of Hillcrest, we have the privilege of investing in their lives. However, I’m regularly hearing reports that we are lacking enough NURSERY WORKERS on Sunday mornings to properly love and care these ‘little ones.’ I’m hearing about conversations between our nursery leaders and members with responses being ‘indifferent’ and an unwillingness to serve in the nursery. Why? Why would we lack men and women who are willing to serve in the Nursery? Would you sincerely seek God and ask yourself WHY there is an unwillingness to help serve in this important area of our Church?
Sunday School
Finally, I want to extend an urgent and heartfelt plea for everyone to begin attending Sunday School. There is a place for you to get connected with other believers. Building relationships with other Christians is an essential characteristic of being Christ’s disciples and growing stronger as a church family. Will you make a commitment to ‘plug-in’ and get connected?